Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica
NT$ 150
Two Examples of Diagrammatic Representations in Chinese Grammar
The Phonemic System of the Tai Lü Language
Evolution of the Ancient Game Liu-po and the TLV-Board
Textual Criticism of the Liu-tzu (劉子), Supplement
Notes on the Oracle Bone Inscriptions
On the Date of the Yü-kung (禹貢)
Features and Division of the Yunnan Dialects
Textual Criticism of the Wei-shu Chi-ch’eng (緯書集成), Section of “Ho-t’u” (河圖)
Language of the Kanakanavu and L̥aʔalua: A Preliminary Comparison
On a Memorial by Hung Ch’en-ch’ou about the Freebooters’ Rout in 1638 A.D.
The Interaction of Social Power and Political Authority during the Former Han Dynasty
The Economic Crisis in 1883 as Viewed from the Failure of Hsu Jun’s Real Estate Business in Shanghai
Bows and Horses of the Yin-Shang People
Style “IV” of the Industrial Art in the Yin-Shang Bronze
APPENDIX: A Short Chronological Biography of Dr. Chu Chia-hua