Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica
NT$ 350
Annotation on the Ch’u Silk Manuscript
Postscript on Mr. JAO’s “Annotation on the Ch’u Silk Manuscript”
A Tentative Study on Paleography
Vowel Harmony in Spoken Lhasa Tibetan
Discoveries of Certain Historical Material on the Sino-Western Contacts in the Family Histories
Prefectures and Population in South China in the First Three Centuries A. D.
Additional Notes to the Collected Commentaries on the Liu-tzu(劉子)
The Chinniu-Ch’engtu(金牛成都)Post Route in the T’ang Dynasty
The Manchus Cultural Borrowing before the Conquest of China and its Influence on their Sinicization
A Tentative Definition of the Chinese Phonological Terms “內轉” and “外轉”
The Most Relevant Political Measures Taken by the Ch’ing T’ai-chung(清太宗) Abahai
On the Imperial Hung-wen Secretarial Privy in the Ming Dynasty
Notes on the Casting of the Handles of Some Bronze Vessels in the Yin Dynasty
Notes on the T’en or Yanghwang Languages: Glossary
APPENDIX: Report on the Fortieth Anniversary of the Institute by the Director
APPENDIX: History in the Epoch of Changes
APPENDIX: Syllabicity in Chinese and its Relation to Style and Struture