Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica
NT$ 500
A Further Study on the Problems of T’ing(亭)in the Han Dynasty
A Study of the Yung-chi Ch’ü in the Sui-T’ang Period
The Relationships of Initials and Finals in the Chinese Dialects
Seventeen Years of Textual Criticism of the Shih-chi (In Place of a Preface)
Some Frequently Used Vocabulary in the Dialects of Szechwan
Chinese Elements in the Tangut Script
Notes on “the Unofficial Biography of Liu Ju-shih”
Loanwords as Evidence for Old Chinese Uvular Initials
Export Trade of the Chinese Gold after the mid-Ming Dynasty
Some Prosodic and Grammatical Criteria for Dating the Ballad “Southeast Fly the Peacocks”
Male and Female Forms of Speech in the Atayalic Group
Directional Constructions in Taiwanese
The Differences between the Literary and the Vernacular Reading in the Sui-hsi Dialect
Supplementary Notes on “the Hereditary House of Ch’i T’ai-kung” in the Shih-chi (pt. 1)
An Analysis of the Oracle Bone Inscriptions of the Yin-Shang Site at Anyang, Part 1, from 5 Criteria
Variation and Selection in Language Change
Surface Variations in Chinese and Their Semantic Correlates
The Classification of the Shaowu Dialect
Letters between Hu Shih, Yuen Ren Chao and Lien-sheng Yang Discussing Mou Yeh.
Some Recent Sound Shifts in Chaozhou and Other Southern Min Dialects
Some Aspects of Tonal Development in Chinese Dialects
The Status of the Survivors of the Yin Dynasty after the Chou Conquest
An Archaeological Survey of the Upper Valley of Choshui River
APPENDIX: Bibliography of Yuen Ren Chao’s Works