Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica
NT$ 850
The Role of the Han Emperor Wu in the Battle of Ma-i
A Brief Study on the Sino-Dutch Trade during the 17th-18th Centuries
List of Publications of The Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica: 1988-1993
Wang To and Late T'ang Politics: Focus on the Suppression of the Huang Ch'ao Rebellion
Conditions on the Distribution of Postverbal Elements in Chinese
New Data on Three Extinct Formosan Languages
On the Mirror Inscriptions of the Han Dynasty
The Knowledge of Frost and Its Connection with Agriculture in Ancient China
Buddhist Practice in Rural North China during the Fifth and Sixth Centuries
Research on the Lineage of P’eng-ch’eng Liu in the T’ang Dynasty
The Rise of the Society for Reflection on Faults in the Late Ming and Early Ch’ing
Chinese 'de' (的) and English ''s'
Arguments Against ‘Subject’ and ‘Direct Object’ as Viable Concepts in Chinese
On the Nature of the Enter-tone Characters in the Shaowu Dialect
The Grammatical Function of Rising-tone ‘tau’(到)in Hakka
BTD Revisited: A Reconsideration of the Han Buddhist Transcriptional Dialect