Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica
NT$ 850
Changes in the Military Service at the Chiang-hsi Guards during the Ming Dynasty
Jinfang: The Transmission of Secret Techniques in Ancient China
Women and Their Natal Families in T’ang China: A Preliminary Investigation
Coding of Grammatical Relations in Mantauran (Rukai)
New Intellectual Trend in the Early Ch’ing Period and the Compilation Project of Liu-tzu-chieh-yao
A Preliminary Archaeological Survey of the Dongsha and Nansha Taiping Islands
"The Classics Discussion Society" of the Early Ch'ing
New Assessment of the Qin "Unification of Script"
The Form, Nature, and Origins of Dharani Pillars Studies on Dharani Pillars, Part II
Gates and Ancient Chinese Society
Yüan Jen and the Policing System of the T'ang Dynasty
Fictitious Blood Relations and the Paternal Clan