Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica
NT$ 300
Textual Criticism of Shih-chi: Chüan 62
Textual Criticism of Shih-chi: Chüan 63
Textual Criticism of Shih-chi: Chüan 65
Textual Criticism of Shih-chi: Chüan 66
The Early Meaning of the Term Hsün-kuo
Collected Commentaries on the Kuo-yü: Chüan 1 (First Part)
Collected Commentaries on the Kuo-yü: Chüan 1 (Second Part)
Textual Criticism of Shih-chi: Chüan 67
Textual Criticism of Shih-chi: Chüan 68
Textual Criticism of Shih-chi: Chüan 69
Lo P’ing and the Kuei-ch’ü t’u
APPENDIX: Taoism in the Warring States Period
APPENDIX: The School of Names in the Warring States Period
The Reconstruction of Proto-Miao-Yao Tones
Textual Criticism of Shih-chi: Chüan 70
Textual Criticism of Shih-chi: Chüan 71
Remarks in Some Works of the Occult Science of Prognostics of Ancient China (5)
APPENDIX: Physics, Astronomy and Mechanics in the Chou China