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Bulletin of IHP

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Submission Information

Launched in 1928, the Bulletin of the Institute of History and Philology (BIHP) is a quarterly journal issued in March, June, September, and December by the Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica. The BIHP invites domestic and international scholarly contributions on history, philology, archaeology, anthropology, and paleography.
  1. Submitted manuscripts should be written in Chinese and not exceed 30,000 characters.
  2. As to footnote and citation formats, please consult the “Submission Guidelines (2025.01.01).” Manuscripts not adhering to the guidelines will not be accepted.
  3. In compliance with the adopted double-blind review, submitters must refrain from providing any personal identification information to reviewers.
  4. When emailing your manuscript, please include your full name in English and Mandarin, affiliated institution, position, email address, and (institution/home) address.
  5. In addition to the main text, the manuscript should also include a works cited page, an abstract in English and Mandarin, as well as keywords (not exceeding five) in both languages.
  6. Please submit the above in BOTH a MS Word and PDF file (Simplified Chinese should be converted to Traditional Chinese).
  7. Please use default fonts (i.e., Times New Roman) and avoid adopting other complicated formatting.
  8. Submitters should keep the original manuscript, which, if rejected, will not be returned.
  9. Before submitting, please note that the BIHP does NOT accept multiple/simultaneous submissions nor publish articles that have been or are to be published elsewhere. For those who have disregarded the above, the manuscript will be immediately rejected and future submissions will not be accepted; furthermore, if deemed appropriate, the supervisor of the submitter’s affiliated institution will be notified.
  10. Please also note that the BIHP will not be held liable for intellectual property issues involving the submissions (e.g., illustrations, charts, or lengthy quotations). Submitters must therefore obtain all the necessary permission from economic right holders prior to using copyrighted materials.
  11. Once an article is published, three copies of the current issue of the BIHP containing the author’s article, along with ten offprints thereof and one in a PDF format, will be provided to the contributor.
Please submit your manuscripts to:
(We do not require any hard copies.)