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Research Groups


Chief Coordinator: Hsiu-ping Lee


Between 1928 and 1937, members of the Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica, carried out 15 excavation seasons at Yinxu (the Ruins of Yin) in Anyang, Henan Province. In addition to palatial complexes at Hsiao-t’un (Xiaotun) and royal tombs at Hsi-pei-kang (Xibeigang), numerous precious artifacts were also discovered. Following the Nationalist Government’s retreat to Taiwan, the pioneering scholars of the IHP, who had participated in the excavation projects at Yinxu, eventually received the opportunity to study these significant archaeological data. Mr. Shih Chang-ju (1902–2004) and Mr. Kao Ch’ü-hsün (1910–1991) were in charge of the data found from the palatial complexes at Hsiao-t’un and from the royal tombs at Hsi-pei-kang in their own research rooms, respectively. In 1986, the Museum of the Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica, was established, and the third floor was designed as an archive warehouse for preserving Chinese archaeological relics and records. The Hsiao-t’un Research Group and the Hsi-pei-kang Research Group were set up on the same floor. In 1991, Mr. Kao passed away, and Mr. Shih thus began to be in charge of both research groups. Following the passing away of Mr. Shih in 2004, the IHP decided to combine the two research groups and then renamed it as the Anyang Research Group, which officially began operating in 2005. The first leader of the Anyang Research Group was Dr. Yung-ti Li (2004–2016); Dr. Kuang-ti Li served as its second (2016–2020); and Dr. Hsiu-ping Lee is the current acting leader (2020–).

Since 1928, the trailblazing and new generations of scholars of the IHP have published an abundance of groundbreaking archaeological data discovered at Yinxu pertaining to the royal tombs found at Hsi-pei-kang as well as the palatial complexes, tombs, and oracle bones unearthed at Hsiao-t’un. Furthermore, they also have carried out many pioneering studies related to these data, such as analyses of structures, bronze, pottery, oracle bones, and human remains. Based on the solid academic tradition of the IHP, the Anyang Research Group will continue to deepen our research on the fields of Yinxu and Chinese archaeology.

Our Vision:
1. Innovating research
2. Cultivating talent
3. Connecting society
4. Publishing data
