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Research Centers

Digital Humanities

Chief Coordinator: Sheng-chih Lin Deputy Chief Coordinator:Hsiang-An WANG

The quick development and wide application of information and communication technology have triggered a digital revolution that greatly impacted our social and cultural environment. Many of our accustomed tools and methodologies, as well as the long-established conceptual frameworks and academic standards, have therefore been challenged, making us question whether there is going to be a paradigm shift in the humanities. Combining the expertise of researchers in digital technology and scholars in the humanities, this research group seeks to realize the possibility of undertaking researches in the humanities with the application of digital technology and digital contents, and essentially establish a new research paradigm. We also hope to understand the impacts of digital technology on human societies and civilizations, and to brainstorm ways to cope with these impacts. In short, this research group is dedicated to

1. Conducting researches in the humanities with the application of digital technology and digital content
2. Understanding the impacts of digital technology on society and finding ways to cope with them.

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