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Requesting Permission to Use Digitized Content

Q: How does an individual or organization go about requesting permission from the IHP to use text, images or other digitized content?

A:Please click the “Digital Resources Authorization” button under “Links” on the main page to access the Application for Digital Resources & Collection Replication. You can apply online, but please read the “Policy” section first.

Purchasing and Subscribing to IHP Publications

Q: I am interested in an article from an IHP publication. How can I purchase it?

A:Articles from IHP publications are not available for individual sale. You must purchase the entire issue or volume. Please refer to “Publication Purchasing and Subscription Information.”

Q: I would like to buy a book authored by an IHP researcher? Can I do this through the IHP?

A: Only journal issues and monographs published by the IHP are available for individual purchase or subscription through the IHP. To order publications authored by IHP researchers but published by other presses, please contact the relevant press directly.

Contacting IHP Researchers

Q: I have a question about the research of an IHP researcher. How can I get in touch with him/her?

A: Please click on the “IHP Researchers” tab and then look for the bio page for the relevant researcher, or send your message to the IHP mailbox, and we will forward it. (Please note that we do not guarantee that researchers will respond to all inquiries.)

Subscribing to the Electronic Newsletter

Q: How do I subscribe to the IHP’s electronic newsletter?

A: Only IHP faculty and staff are eligible to receive the electronic newsletter.

Accessing the IHP Internal Website

Q: Why am I unable to access the IHP internal website?

A: Because the internal website contains contents related to internal administrative affairs and for faculty and staff, it is only accessible from a computer with an IHP IP address.

Q: There are many different application forms under the Faculty tab. How do I quickly find the right one?

A: Frequently used forms may be downloaded by faculty and staff from the sections of the website Frequently Used Forms and Templates for Administrative Requests. Additionally, under Administrative Units may be found information pertaining to the duties of the staff of each administrative office. Please feel free to direct further inquiries to the relevant staff member.
