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Research Fellows


Hsiu-ping Lee

Assistant Research Fellow


Ph.D., Cotsen Institute of Archaeology, UCLA

Areas of Research

Archaeology and History of Ancient China

Hsiu-ping Lee is Assistant Research Fellow of Chinese Archaeology at the Institute of History and Philology (IHP), Academia Sinica. He was educated at National Taiwan University and University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), and received his PhD in Archaeology from UCLA in 2018. His research concerns the archaeology of the Chinese Bronze Age, focusing on exploring the interactions between different societies, cultures, and regions in Early China. Currently, he is working on the research of interregional interactions in the Erlitou Period and the Late Shang Period. The former is the extension of his PhD dissertation “Erlitou and Its Neighbors: Contextualizing Interregional Interaction in the Central Yellow River Region in Ancient China.” The latter is his new research project, investigating how Anyang, the Late Shang capital, interacted with its surrounding regions and socio-political groups based on the collected archaeological data of the IHP.

Dissertation and Thesis
  1. “Erlitou and Its Neighbors: Contextualizing Interregional Interaction in the Central Yellow River Region in Ancient China.” PhD diss., University of California, Los Angeles, 2018, 525 pages.
  2. “Huanghe Yu Changjiang Zhijian: Zhou Dai Nanyang Pendi De Zhengzhi Zhipei Yu Wuzhi Wenhua” 黃河與長江之間: 周代南陽盆地的政治支配與物質文化 (Between the Yellow and Yangzi Rivers: Political Domination and Material Culture in the Nanyang Basin during the Zhou Dynasty). Master’s thesis, National Taiwan University, 2010, 203 pages.
Journal Articles
  1. “Shiyusuo fajue Yinxu Xibeigang dongqu xiaomu 2023 nian zhengli jianbao” 史語所發掘殷墟西北岡東區小墓2023年整理簡報 (The Preliminary Report of Small Tombs Excavated in the Eastern Area, Xibeigang, Yinxu, during 1934- 1935 by the IHP, Academia Sinica, Collated in 2023). Gujin Lunheng 古今論衡 (Disquisitions of the Past & Present) (Forthcoming).
  2. “Shiyusuo fajue Yinxu Xibeigang dongqu xiaomu 2021 nian zhengli jianbao” 史語所發掘殷墟西北岡東區小墓2021年整理簡報 (The Preliminary Report of Small Tombs Excavated in the Eastern Area, Xibeigang, Yinxu, during 1934- 1935 by the IHP, Academia Sinica, Collated in 2021). Gujin Lunheng 古今論衡 (Disquisitions of the Past & Present) 43 (2024): 9-39.
  3. “Xin keji, xin shidai yu xin gushi: shanggu Zhongguo zuizao de qingtong bingqi” 新科技, 新時代與新故事: 上古中國最早的青銅兵器 (New Technology, New Era, and New Story: The Earliest Bronze Weapons in Ancient China). Gugong Wenwu Yuekan 故宮文物月刊 (The National Palace Museum Monthly of Chinese Art) 490, 2024: 20-35.
  4. “Cong kaogu mailuo lun Shiyusuo cang Yinxu chutu tong sanjiaoyuan ge” 從考古脈絡論史語所藏殷墟出土銅三角援戈 (Contextualizing Bronze Triangle Blade Dagger-Axes from Yinxu, excavated by the IHP, Academia Sinica). Gujin Lunheng 古今論衡 (Disquisitions of the Past & Present) 40 (2023): 33-79.
  5. “Kaogu yicun de duoyangxing: yi Erlitou yu Nanguan weili” 考古遺存的多樣性: 以二里頭與南關為例 (Diversity in Archaeology: Case Studies from Erlitou and Nanguan). Nanfang Minzu Kaogu 南方民族考古 (Southern Ethnology and Archaeology), 24 (2022): 93-196.
  6. “Mailuo bijiao fenxifa” 脈絡比較分析法 (Comparative Analysis of Archaeological Contexts). Gujin Lunheng 古今論衡 (Disquisitions of the Past & Present), 39 (2022): 61-75.
  7. “Wailai yicun de kaogu mailuo: lun zhoubian diqu dui Erlitou yizhi de yingxiang” 外來遺存的考古脈絡: 論周邊地區對二里頭遺址的影響 (Exotic Artifacts in Local Contexts: The Influences from Neighboring Regions at Erlitou). Nanfang Minzu Kaogu 南方民族考古 (Southern Ethnology and Archaeology), 19 (2021): 141-173.
Book Chapters
  1. Lee Hsiu-ping and Uchida Junko, “Tradition, Transition, and Transformation: Rethinking Yinxu Studies at the Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica.” In Oxford Handbook on the History and Practice of Chinese Archaeology, edited by Anke Hein and Julia Lovell. Oxford: Oxford University Press (Forthcoming).
  2. “Erlitou and Nanwa: Contextualizing White Ceramics in Early Bronze Age China.” In Ritual and Economy in East Asia: Archaeological Perspectives, edited by Anke Hein, Rowan Flad, and Bryan K. Miller, pp. 241-260. Los Angeles: The Cotsen Institute of Archaeology Press, 2023.
Conference Papers
  1. “Shentou bianjie: Erlitou wenhua yu Xiaqiyuan wenhua de chengzhi yu hudong” 滲透邊界:二里頭文化與下七垣文化的城址與互動 (Crossing Frontier: the Fortified Settlements and Interactions between the Erlitou Culture and Xiaqiyuan Culture). In “Workshop on ‘Fortresses and Castles around the World before the Early Modern Era.’” Taipei: Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica and “History of Infrastructure” Reading Group, Taiwan, October 23, 2024.
  2. “Tong juanshoudao yu shanggu Zhongguo de quyu hudong” 銅卷首刀與上古中國的區域互動 (Interregional Interaction in Ancient China: A Case Study of Bronze Knives with Curved Tips). In “The 2024 Annual Meeting & Academic Conference of the Archaeological Society of Taiwan.” Hsinchu: Society for Archaeology of Taiwan and Research Center for Underwater Archaeology and Heritage, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan, August 30-31, 2024.
  3. “Tanxun Yin Shang wenming laiyuan de fuzaxing: Li Chi yu shanggu Zhongguo  qingtong bingqi yanjiu” 探尋殷商文明來源的複雜性:李濟與上古中國青銅兵器研究 (Exploring the Complexity of Shang Civilization’s Origin: Li Chi and his Research on Bronze Weaponry of Ancient China). In “Writing of Warfare and Archaeology of Weaponry in Ancient China.” Taipei: Anyang Research Group, the IHP, and Nangang Research Association for the History of Ancient China, Taiwan, August 16, 2024.
  4. “Shiyusuo fajue xibeigang dongqu xiaomu chubu de zhengli chengguo(2021-2023)” 史語所發掘西北岡東區小墓初步的整理成果(2021-2023) (A Preliminary Report of Small Tombs at the Eastern Royal Cemetery of Xibeigang, excavated by the IHP: 2021-2023). In “Into the Future with a Comparative Perspective: Recent Discoveries and New Directions in Anyang Archaeology.” Hongkong: The University of Chicago, Hongkong, June 12-13, 2024.
  5. Lee Hsiu-ping and Uchida Junko, “Yinxu buju de bianqian guiji: Xibeigang xiqu xiaomuqun yanjiu zhi yi” 殷墟佈局的變遷軌跡:西北岡西區小墓研究之一 (The Developmental Trajectory of Yinxu’s Urban Planning: the Research on Small Tombs at the Western Royal Cemetery of Xibeigang, Part 1). In “Presentation of the IHP’s Archaeological Research Results for the Year 2023.” Taipei: The Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica, Taiwan, May 17, 2024.
  6. “Zhong shi zhi di: chutan Erlitou shiqi jiancu de kaogu mailuo” 眾矢之地: 初探二里頭時期箭鏃的考古脈絡 (Archaeological Contexts of Arrowheads in the Erlitou Period: A Preliminary Study). In “Multi-Faceted Interactions in Ancient China: War, Artifacts and Texts.” Taipei: Anyang Research Group, the IHP, and Nangang Research Association for the History of Ancient China, Taiwan, August 1, 2023.
  7. “Shanggu Zhongguo yanjiu de liang tiao lujing: chuanshi wenxian yu kaogu zhengju de bijiao” 上古中國研究的兩條路徑:傳世文獻與考古證據的比較 (Two Research Approaches on Ancient China: Comparison between Historical Text and Archaeological Evidence). In “Exploring Xia History: Dialogues between Historians and Archaeologists.” Zhengzhou: School of History, Zhengzhou University and Henan Provincial Institute of Cultural Heritage and Archaeology, China, July, 1, 2023.
  8. “Cong tongge de kaogu mailuo fansi Zhukaigou yu Zhengzhou Shang cheng de hudong guanxi” 從銅戈的考古脈絡反思朱開溝與鄭州商城的互動關係 (Rethinking the Interaction between Zhukaigou and Zhengzhou Shang City through Archaeological Contexts of Bronze Dagger-Axes). In “The 2023 Annual Meeting & Academic Conference of the Archaeological Society of Taiwan.” Taipei: Society for Archaeology of Taiwan and National Taiwan University, Taiwan, June 17-18, 2023.
  9. “Yinxu buju de bianqian guiji: Xibeigang dongqu xiaomuqun yanjiu zhi er” 殷墟佈局的變遷軌跡:西北岡東區小墓群研究之二 (The Developmental Trajectory of Yinxu’s Urban Planning: the Research on Small Tombs at the Eastern Royal Cemetery of Xibeigang, Part 2). In “Presentation of the IHP’s Archaeological Research Results for the Year 2022.” Taipei: The Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica, Taiwan, May 31, 2023.
  10. “Voiceless Testimony: The Archaeological Contexts of IHP’s Excavation of Human Skulls at Anyang.” In “Anyang and Beyond: Ancient DNA Studies, Digital Humanities, and Recent Discoveries in the Study of Ancient Civilization.” Chicago: The University of Chicago, USA, April 10, 2023.
  11. “Shang dai tong sanjiao yuan ge de qiyuan, mailuo, yu hudong” 商代銅三角援戈的起源、脈絡與互動 (The Origin, Context, and Interaction of the Triangle Dagger-axe in the Shang Period). In “The 3rd IHP Lecture, 2023” Taipei: The Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica, Taiwan, February 20, 2023.
  12. “Shiyusuo cang Yinxu chutu tong sanjiaoyuange de mailuohua yanjiu” 史語所藏殷墟出土銅三角援戈的脈絡化研究 (Contextualizing Triangle Blade Dagger-Axes Excavated by the IHP, Academia Sinica). In “The 2022 Annual Meeting & Academic Conference of the Archaeological Society of Taiwan.” Tainan: Museum of Archaeology, Tainan Branch of National Museum of Prehistory, Taiwan, September 24-25, 2022.
  13. “Wuqi, hudong yu guojia: cong qingtong bingqi de kaogu mailuo lun gudai Zhongguo lishi geju de bianqian” 武器, 互動與國家: 從青銅兵器的考古脈絡論古代中國歷史格局的變遷 (Weaponry, Interaction, and State: Investigating the Culture History in Ancient China through Bronze Weapons and Their Archaeological Contexts). In “Interdisciplinary Workshop on Ancient History - Materiality, Text, and Burial: Interactions between Populations and Regions in the Ancient World.” Taipei: Anyang Research Group, the IHP, and Nangang Research Association for the History of Ancient China, Taiwan, August 16, 2022.
  14. “Yinxu buju de bianqian guiji: Xibeigang dongqu xiaomuqun yanjiu zhi yi” 殷墟佈局的變遷軌跡:西北岡東區小墓群研究之一 (The Developmental Trajectory of Yinxu’s Urban Planning: the Research on Small Tombs at the Eastern Royal Cemetery of Xibeigang, Part 1). In “Presentation of the IHP’s Archaeological Research Results for the Year 2021.” Taipei: The Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica, Taiwan, May 20, 2022.
  15. “Mailuo bijiao fenxi fa” 脈絡比較分析法 (Comparative Analysis of Archaeological Context). In “3rd Annual Meeting of Society for Archaeology of Taiwan.” Taipei: Society for Archaeology of Taiwan, Taiwan, September 11-12, 2020.
  16. “Kaogu yicun duoyangxing: yi Erlitou yu Guchengnanguan weili” 考古遺存的多樣性: 以二里頭與古城南關為例. In “2nd International Ancient Capitals Forum and Symposium for Celebrating 60th Anniversary of scientific excavation at Erlitou.” Luoyang, China, October 18-20, 2019.
  17. “Contextualizing the Interaction between Erlitou and Nanwa through the Production-Consumption Relationship of White Pottery in Early China.” In “The Art and Archaeology of Ritual and Economy in East Asia: Workshop and Symposium in Honor of Lothar von Falkenhausen.” Los Angeles: The University of California, Los Angeles, USA, June 5-6, 2019; In “2nd Annual Meeting of Society for Archaeology of Taiwan.” Taipei: Society for Archaeology of Taiwan, Taiwan, June 28-30, 2019.
  18. “Active Selection by Local Elites: Contextualizing the Jue in the Erlitou and Lower Xiajiadian Cultures in the 1st half of 2nd Millennium BC.” In “7th SEAA (Society for East Asia Archaeology) Worldwide Conference.” Cambridge and Boston, Massachusetts, USA, June 8-12, 2015.
Research / Project Reports
  1. Lee Hsiu-ping and and Uchida Junko, “Yinxu buju de bianqian guiji: Xibeigang xiqu xiaomuqun yanjiu zhi yi” 殷墟佈局的變遷軌跡: 西北岡西區小墓群研究之一 (The Developmental Trajectory of Yinxu’s Urban Planning: the Research on Small Tombs at the Western Royal Cemetery of Xibeigang, Part 1), 2023 niandu bensuo kaogu yanjiu jihua chengguo baogao 2023年度本所考古研究計畫成果報告 (Project Report of Archaeological Research, the Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica, 2023), 2024 (Forthcoming).
  2. “Yinxu buju de bianqian guiji: Xibeigang dongqu xiaomuqun yanjiu zhi er” 殷墟佈局的變遷軌跡: 西北岡東區小墓群研究之二 (The Developmental Trajectory of Yinxu’s Urban Planning: the Research on Small Tombs at the Eastern Royal Cemetery of Xibeigang, Part 2), 2022 niandu bensuo kaogu yanjiu jihua chengguo baogao 2022年度本所考古研究計畫成果報告 (Project Report of Archaeological Research, the Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica, 2022), 2023, pp. 1-35.
  3. “Yinxu buju de bianqian guiji: Xibeigang dongqu xiaomuqun yanjiu zhi yi” 殷墟佈局的變遷軌跡: 西北岡東區小墓群研究之一 (The Developmental Trajectory of Yinxu’s Urban Planning: the Research on Small Tombs at the Eastern Royal Cemetery of Xibeigang, Part 1), 2021 niandu bensuo kaogu yanjiu jihua chengguo baogao 2021年度本所考古研究計畫成果報告 (Project Report of Archaeological Research, the Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica, 2021), 2022, pp. 1-26.
Book Reviews
  1. “A Review of Becoming a Capital: Formation and Development of Zhengzhou Shang City, by Hou Weidong.” Dissertation Reviews, April 1, 2015.
  2. “A Review of Social Transformation from the Longshan Period to the Erlitou Period: Songshan and Beyond, by Zhang Li.” Dissertation Reviews, April 7, 2014.
  3. “Li Ling: Rushan Yu Chusai” 李零: 入山與出塞 (A Review of Entering the Mountains and Crossing the Borders, by Li Ling). Taiwan Dongya Wenming Yanjiu Xuekan 臺灣東亞文明研究學刊 (Taiwan Journal of East Asian Studies) 3.1, 2006: 299-308.
  1. Iijima Taketsugu 飯島武次. “Abstract,” in 中国夏王朝考古学研究 (Archaeological Research of Xia Dynasty in China), pp. 449-457. Tokyo: Doseisha, 2012.
Other Writings
  1. “Zhongsheng zaixiang, huidao nanian ketang jiaoshi: wode zhishi xiangdao Hsu Cho-Yun yuanshi” 鐘聲再響,回到那年課堂教室:我的知識嚮導許倬雲院士〉 (Back to the Classroom in 2006: My Mentor, Academician Hsu Cho-Yun). Lianhe Wenxue 聯合文學 (UNITAS) 480, 2024: 162-165.
  2. “Shiyusuo yisheng de zaipei: zhuanfang Chen Chung-yu xiansheng” 史語所一生的栽培: 專訪陳仲玉先生 (A Lifetime of Cultivation at the IHP, Academia Sinica: An Interview with Chung-yu Chen). Gujin Lunheng 古今論衡 (Disquisitions of the Past & Present) 41, 2023: 83-114.
  3. “Jiafeng zhong de chunyu: xiexie Yu Ying-shih xiansheng” 夾縫中的春雨: 謝謝余英時先生 (Thank you, Professor Yu Ying-shih), in Yu Ying-shih Yingxiang Jiniance 余英時影像紀念冊 (In Loving Memory of Yu Ying-shih), p. 68. Taipei: Tang Prize Foundation, 2022.
  4. “Yanjiu yu shenghuo de jiezou” 研究與生活的節奏 (The Rhythm of Academic Life), Shih Yuan 史原, 32, 2020: 317-327.
  5. “Daodu: Renshi chengqiang. Ranhou, paguoqu” 導讀: 認識城牆. 然後, 爬過去 (Introduction: Understanding, and then Climbing over the Walls), in Chengqiang: Cong Wanli Changcheng Dao Bolin Weiqiang, Yibu Xue Yu Zhuan Dazao De Renlei Wenmingshi 城牆: 從萬里長城到柏林圍牆, 一部血與磚打造的人類文明史 (Walls: A History of Civilization in Blood and Brick), David Frye, trans. by Han Xiangzhong 韓翔中, pp. 10-14. Xinbeishi: Taiwan Shangwu Yinshuguan, 2020.
  6. “An Interview with Prof. David C. Schaberg,” Newsletter of the Department of History of National Taiwan University, 24, 2018.
  7. “An Interview with Prof. Lothar von Falkenhausen,” Newsletter of the Department of History of National Taiwan University, 23, 2017.
  8. “Dong shou dong jiao zhao dong xi: ji 2009 nian chunji Nanyang pendi tanfang zhi lu” 動手動腳找東西: 記2009年春季南陽盆地探訪之旅 (Traveling and Discovering: Visiting Nanyang Basin in spring 2009),  Newsletter of the Department of History of National Taiwan University, 7, 2010: 23-31.

Ph.D., Cotsen Institute of Archaeology, UCLA, 2018
M.A., Department of History, National Taiwan University, 2010
B.A., Department of History, National Taiwan University, 2001

Current Position:
Assistant Research Fellow, Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica (2020.2.14- )
Leader, Anyang Research Group (2020.6.1- )

Previous Position:
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica (2019.7.1-2020.2.13)

2017, Yu Ying-shih Prize for Humanities Research (Ph.D. candidates writing doctoral theses), Tang Prize Foundation

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