Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica
Bulletin of IHP
American Silver and the Price Revolution in China during the Eighteen Century
Han-sheng CHUAN
The Jui Dialect of Poai: Phonology
Fang-kuei LI
A Study on the Prime Minister HU of the Ogadai Period as described in the
YAO T'sung-wu
Did LIU Chih-chi Write the 'Wei-hsien Fu' (韋弦賦) and the 'Shen So-hao Fu' (慎所好賦)?
William HUNG
Fragments of the 'Hsiao-chen Hsi' Stone 'Kuei' (小臣 石 ) and its Inscriptions
KAO Ch'ü-hsun
Examples of the Head-dress of the Yin Period
SHIH Chang-ju
A Study on the Systems of the Genealogical Linkage Name and the Surname
YANG Hsi-mei
Historical Notes on the 'Lao-jen' (僚人)
RUEY Yih-fu
The Neo-Confucian Solution of the Problem of Evil
Wing-tsit CHAN
'Wu-Liang-Shou' (無量壽): A Comparative Study of Tibetan and Chinese Longevity Rites
F. D. Lessing
On the Inscription of Scapulae in the Seol University Collection
TUNG Tso-pin
CHEN Shou-yi
Evolution of the White Pottery of the Yin Dynasty
LI Chi
HU Shih's Thought and the Future of China
YIN Hai-kuang
Selected Bibliography of Dr. HU Shih Writings in Chinese
Bulletin of IHP
Selected Bibliography of Dr. HU Shih’s Writings in Western Languages
Eugene L. Delafield and T. L. Yuan