Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica
NT$ 500
Laryngeal Features and Tone Development
The Position and Duty of Shang-shu and Its Relations with the Interior Court in the Han Dynasty
The Road Passing through Fu-k’o and Hu-kuan (and the Roads on Both Sides)
How the Joint Defense Forces of the Chinese and Foreigners in Shanghai Were Built up
How the Fragments of the Tien-lun Indicates Ch’ao-p’i’s Struggle to Succeed to the Throne
Corrigenda and Addenda to the Tun-huang Ch’ü
Textual Criticism of Shih-chi: Chüan 123
A Selected Catalogue of the Chinese Bronzes in Paris and Brussels
Reexamination of the Relationship between the Yin and Chou Dynasties
Ch’in and Han Society as Revealed in the Bamboo and Wooden Slips
The Political Continuation and Power Transfer in the Five Dynasties
A Study of the Systems of Rotating Crops in Chinese History
On the Origin of Liang’s Work Research Method for Chinese History
Notes on Loyang Chia Lan Chi and Comments on Chou Tsu-mu’s Commentary
Further Discussion of the Term mi-li
The Phonological Rules of Atayal Dialects
T’aishan Controls Not Only Death But Also Life
The Relics of Alter Sacrifices in the Yin Dynasty
A Comparative Study of the Chinese, Tibetan, and Burmese Vowel System
The Phonemic Structure of Pekingese Finals and Their R-suffixation
A Short Account of the Modern Chinese History of Phonology as Based on Korean Materials
Notes on Chuang Chiao’s Routes to Yünnan
The Militia Resisting Chin during Kao-tsung and Hsiao-tsung of the Southern Sung
Collected Commentaries on the Kuo-yü: Chüan 2 (First Part), Chou-yü-chung: Chüan 2
Discussion of Some Distinctive Features as Based on the Data of Chinese Dialects
The Characteristics and Development of Chinese Cities in the First Millennium B.C.
Ch’u Wan-li’s Handwritten Commentary on the Lao-tzǔ
Bibliography of Dr. Li Chi’s Writings
Bibliography of Prof. Ch’u Wan-li’s Writings