Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica
NT$ 100
Notes on “the Unofficial Biography of Liu Ju-shih”
CHOU Fa-kao
Loanwords as Evidence for Old Chinese Uvular Initials
E. G. Pulleyblank
Export Trade of the Chinese Gold after the mid-Ming Dynasty
CHUAN Han-shen
Some Prosodic and Grammatical Criteria for Dating the Ballad “Southeast Fly the Peacocks”
Tsu-lin MEI
KUAN Tung-kuei
Male and Female Forms of Speech in the Atayalic Group
Paul Jen-kuei Li
Directional Constructions in Taiwanese
Robert L. Cheng
Shou-hsin Teng
The Differences between the Literary and the Vernacular Reading in the Sui-hsi Dialect