Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica
NT$ 360
Notes on the T’en (Yanghuang) Language Part I: Introduction and Phonology
D. C. Twitchett, Financial Administration under the T’ang Dynasty. A Review
A Note on the Hsing-ning Hsien-chih (興寧縣志) of the Ming and Ching Dynasties
Some Errors in the Ming Shih, II
Some Working Notes on the Western Chou Government
Sacraficial Rituals of the Magpie Miao, Southern Szechuan
The Phonetic System of Ju-kao Dialect
Problems Concerning the Periodization of Chinese Phonology
Textual Criticism of the Ch’u Tz’u
Phonetic and Phonemic System of the Kanakanavu Language, Formosa
Appendix: Military History of the Period of Warring States - A Sketch