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Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica
NT$ 300
The Evolution of Qin Monarch’s Imperial Title and the Emergence of “Emperor”: An Analysis of the Development in Political Hierarchies from the Warring States Period to Unification in the Qin Dynasty
Wenbo Sun
A Case Study of the Qin Wooden Administrative Documents: The Materiality, Textual Composition, and Delivery Methods of Slips 9-2283, [16-5], and [16-6] from the Liye Archive
Tsang Wing Ma
The Institution of “dài” (逮) and “dài bǔ” (逮捕) in the Qin and Han Dynasties
Chen-Huan Kao
Huang Gai’s Governance of Shicheng County: A Study of County Administration in Wu Shu from the Zoumalou Sun Wu Documents
Wenchao Ling
A British Museum in Early Nineteenth-Century Macau and its Historical Significance: Natural History Information Network Flows among Britain, India, and China
Li-Chuan Tai