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Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica
NT$ 170
Supplementary Notes on the Stone Inscription: the Purchase Agreement of Lands of the Fu-lao Association in Shih-t’ing-li in A.D.72 (With Comments by Lao Kan)
Ma K’uo and Political Changes between the Two Sung Dynasties
Classification of Formosan Languages: Lexical Evidence
Dialect Contact and Linguistic Strata: the Case of the Three Departing Tones in the ‘Ch’ang-sha’ Dialect of Ta County
Four Aspects of the Governance of the Han Emperor Kuang-wu
The Tai Group and the Garrisons
Between Orthodoxy and Legitimacy: Reflections from the Debates on Ritual Reforms of the Confucian Temple in 1530
Changes in the Words of the Chin and Yü Rhyme Groups of the Ch’ieh-yun in the Modern Cantonese Dialects