Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica
NT$ 360
Etymological Study as A Key to the Interpretation of Chinese Classics - A Suggestion. Posthumous
Dialects of Ling-pei, Chi-hsi, Anhui
Administrative Divisions in the Ching-yün and K’ai-yuan Periods of T’ang
Textual Criticism of Shang Shu (the Book of History)
Dating Some Western Chou Bronzes
A Short Note on Chu Hsi and Wang Yang-ming
Examples of Synonym in the Oracle Bone Inscriptions
A Study of Second Person Pronoun in Shih-shuo Hsin-yü
Regional Education in Sung Period - the Relative Rise and Fall of Public and Private Schools
Kneeling Burials at the Yin-Shang Sites, Hsiao-t’un, Anyang
Notes on the Oracle Bone Inscriptions, II
On the Divergence in Traditional Accounts of the Age of Chin Wen-Kung(晉文公)
Relation between Hunting and Sacrifices in Ancient China. A revised version
A Study of the Exceptional Fan-ts’ie(反切)
Pirates and Smugglers along the Chekiang-Fukien Coast in the Chia-ching Period under Ming