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Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica
NT$ 180
Notes on Copyists, the Administrative Terminology “它如 T’a Ju… (the others as…,)” and the Make-up of the Lawsuit Files of Officer Su-chüen in A.D. 27
A Study of the Tradition of Selection of Auspicious Time and Space in Chinese Society through the Strips Excavated at Yinwan Han Tomb
Literati Networks and Socio-cultural Activities in Siming during the Song Dynasty—The Example of the Lou Lineage
Emperor Ch’ien-lung’s Yü-chuan Tzu-chih t’ung-chien kang-mu san-pien: An Account of its Compilation and Revision
Women, Pollution and Village Identity: Stories of Poison Cats in the Upper Min River Valley
A New Translation of the “Tang Yu zhi dao” Bamboo Slips from the Chu tombs in Guodian
The Inscriptions of Pi Shu Zun(否叔尊)—Shedding New Light on Dispatch Wares(遣器)of the Western Zhou—A Summary