Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica
A Preliminary Study of the Fan-tsie Doublets in Kuang-yun
Tung T'ung-ho
Burials of the Yin Dynasty in Hou-kang, Anyang, Honan
Shih Chang-ju
Studies on the Fan-tsie Doublets in Kwang-yün
Chou Fa-kao
A Reconstruction of Finals 魚 and 虞 in Ancient Chinese and their Later Development
Chou Fa-kao
On Ping Sheng (平聲) and Tseh Sheng (仄聲)
Chou Fa-kao
Chou Fa-kao
Chang Cheng-lang
Chang Cheng-lang
New Materials for the Study of Ancient Chinese Jades
Li Chi
Tung Tso-pin
Ch'ü Wan-li
The Difference between the Character 从 and 比 in Oracle Inscriptions
Ch'ü Wan-li
The Origin of the Posthumous Name in Ancient China
Ch'ü Wan-li
Lao Kan
Notes on the Poems of the Han Dynasty
Luh Ch'ing-li