Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica
On the Term “Fu-yin” as used during the Ch’in and Han Dynasties
Ch'en P'an
The Land and Water Transportation of the Han Dynasty
Lao Kan
On the Tonal System of Miao and Yao Languages
Chang Kung
Remarks and Emendations of Mao P'an-lin's Commentary of Chuang-Tze
Wang Shu-min
Studies of the Totemism Culture of Shemin (畬民)
Lin Hsün-sheng
On the Term “Wen”(文) and “Pi”(筆)
Luh Chin-li
Luh Chin-li
The Military during the Chin Dynasty and Southern Kingdoms
Ho Tze-chüan
On the Kinship Term of “Sheng”(甥)
Ruey Yih-fu
Some Examples of Repetitions in the Annals of the Liao Dynasty
Fu Loh-huan
Notes on the Wooden Records of the Han and Chin Dynasties
Ch'en P'an
Li Ju-sungs Expedition against the Japanese in 1592-93
Wang Chung-wu