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Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica
NT$ 180
Evidence for Shamanism in the Yangshao Culture of Neolithic China
The Chia-wu Lunar Eclipse and Key Questions of the Shang-Chou Era
On the Disintegration of the Chou Feudal System: A Refutation of Li Ssu's Arguments at the Chin Court
On the Term “tien” in the Yin-hsü Oracle Bone Inscriptions: A Method for the Management of Subjected Peoples during the Shang
A Preliminary Investigation of Sea Shells from Yin-hsü in the Collection of the Institute of History and Philology
The Reconstruction of Example 5 of the Yin-hsü Buildings: Including a Discussion of the A12 Foundation and the “Ta-i-chiu-shih”
Trial Excavation at a Walled Town Site of the Ch'ing Dynasty at Tso-ying, Kao-hsiung