Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica
NT$ 200
Notes on Some Old Jade Objects
KUO Pao-chün
On the Character Ts'ang (傖) and Ch'u (楚)
YU Chia-hsi
On the Idioms Tsao-wan (早晚) and Ho-tang (何當)
TING Sheng-shu
YU Sun
CHANG Cheng-lang
Finding the Sites of Five Traditional Capitals of the Chou Dynasty
SHIH Chang-ju
Comments on the Chapter of Law and Punishments in the Sung-shih (History of the Sung Dynasty)
TENG Kwang-ming
Some Examples of the Comparative Study of the Oracle Bone Inscriptions
CHANG Ping-chuan
HWANG Chang-chien
The "Ch'in Army" (乣軍) under the Liao and Chin Dynasties: A Preliminary Study