Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica
NT$ 360
Notes on the T'en or Yanghwang Language: Texts
Army Organizations and Weapons of the Warring States, 403-221 B.C.
Changes in the Pattern of Central Political Power of the Ch’ing Dynasty
A Further Note on Korea of the Chi-tzu Period
Preface to A Collection of Source Materials on the Japanese Invasion of Korea in 1592
The Local Powers in the State of Wu during the Period of Three Kingdoms
Fortified Villages: Their Origins and Development during the Two-Han Dynasties
A Gilded Sword of the Warring States Period
Frontier Defence in Liao-tung Area during the Early Ming Dynasty
A Note on the Khan Genealogy of the Mongol, 1370-1403
Harmony and Conflicts in the Imperial House of Ming
Bronze Knives in the Knife-ax Burials at the Yin-shang Sites, Anyang
Origins of Various Officials with the Title Tsai
Discussions on Some Particles in the Kuo-yü