Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica
NT$ 850
Chronological Strata in the Grammar of the Min Dialects
The Case-marking System in Mayrinax, Atayal
Modals as Verbs in Chinese: A GB Perspective
The Phonological System of the Jarut Variety of Mongolian
Problems in the Interpretation of the Character “han”(函)in Classical Texts
A Study on “Ku-chin-tzu”(古今字)from the Perspective of Creation and Usage
From Venerability to Longevity -- Changes in Ancient Chinese Concepts of Life
Gamble and Gambling Taxes in Late Ch’ing Kwangtung
Transformations in Buddhist Art During the Prosperous Reign of T’ang Hsüan-tsung
Estimate of Silver Imports into China from the Americas in the Ming and Ch’ing Dynasties
Epidemics and Religions in Late Han China
Infanticide and Child Abandonment from Han to Sui
Decorative Art on Bone Ssu (柶) from Yin-hsu
A Tentative Discussion of New Directions in the Study of Chinese Characters
The Evolution of the Military System in Chiang-hsi during the Ming Dynasty
A Few Questions Regarding the Study of the Classics of the Northern Dynasty
On the Negative ‘Mei’(妹)in Yin-xu Oracle Bones
Notes on Major Topics on Research in Sino-Tibetan Languages