Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica
NT$ 360
The Lantien-Wukwang(藍田武關)Post Route in the T’ang Dynasty
Textual Criticism of Shih-chi: Chüan 7
The Rice Trade at Suchow in the Mid-Ching
The Role of Weichow(維州)in the T’ang-Tibet Diplomatic Relations
The Background and the Influence of Tax Reduction during the Early Ming
An Introductory Study on the Origin of the “Chuang-jen”(僮人)
The Wooden Chamber in the Shang Royal Tomb and Its Implication
The Semivowel ï in Vietnamese and Mandarin
The Formulaic Language of the Chinese Ballad “Southeast Fly the Peacocks”
Fang Yen Ⅳ, 5 and 31. Knee Covers and Apron
On the Initial H in the Yüan-Ch’ao Pi-shih
Cognates of Tibetan rans-pa (‘entire, complete’) with Guttural Stem Initial
The Origin of Headhunting——An Atayal Text with Vocabulary
Tibetan Sdud “Folds of a Garment”, the Character 卒, and the *St-Hypothesis
On the Meaning of the Morpheme 嫌 Shyan in Pre-Han and Han Texts
Apex and Terminal Nodes in the Linquist’s Taxonomy of Genetically Related Languages
Notes on Non-Chinese Terms in the Yuan-Imperial Dietary Compendium Yin-shan Cheng-Yao 飲膳正要
APPENDIX: The Motzu and the Mohists
APPENDIX: A Bibliography of the Publications of Fang-kuei Li