Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica
NT$ 200
A Discussion of Southern Tribes mentioned in the Biography of Szu-ma Chun (司馬叡) in
The System of Provincial Supervisors of the Han Dynasty
Sacred Groves of the Han Dynasty
Economic Life of the Kansu Corridor as Recorded on the Wooden Clips of Han Dynasty
Note of a Funerary Stela of Kaokouli (高句麗) and a Discussion of the Position of its Capital
Price Fluctuations of the T'ang Dynasty
The Economic Prosperity and Decadence of Yang-chow in the Tang and Sung Dynasties
The Hypothesis of A Pre-glottalized Series of Consonants in Primitive Tai
The Postions of the Yumen Kuan and Yang Kuan
Price Fluctuations during the Northern Sung Period
Price Fluctuations at the Beginning of the Southern Sung Period
The Smuggling Trade between the Sung and Chin Kingdoms
On the Pronunciation of Character
Report of a Sung Tomb in Teng Hsien, Shantung