Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica
NT$ 850
Chin-fu Hung
The Chinese Translation of the Name of the Mongol Princess Sorqaγtani Beki
Chin-fu Hung
Fan-sen Wang
Li-Chuan Tai
K. J. Solonin
The Dialectics of Religion and Secularization: Adam Ferguson on History and Liberty
Jeng-guo Chen
Zenghe Liu
The Edition of the Fourteenth Chapter of the Pañcavijśatisāhasrikā Prajñāpāramitā of the Gilgit-Ms.
Yoke Meei Choong
Huei-Ling Lai
Yi-Long Huang
Hsi-yüan Chen
On “Yin-chu Yang-shou” and the Tones of Wu Dialects Revealed in Du-Qu Xu-zhi
Dah-an Ho
A Study of Words of the “Ge” Type in the Chinese Dialects
Hua-yun Wang
Temptations from the Secular World: Why Did Sung Monks Commit Secular Crimes?
Nap-yin Lau
Regulating Litigation Masters in Eighteenth-Century China
Peng-sheng Chiu
An Analysis of the Beijing Branch Military Commission in the Ming Dynasty
Chih-chia Yue
Yung-ti Li