Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica
NT$ 350
Textual Criticism of Shih-chi: Chüan 8
Textual Criticism of Shih-chi: Chüan 9
A Preliminary Study of the Kinship System of the Hsiung-nu
The Japanese Invasion of Korea in 1592
On the States of Hwei, Ku-chu, Ch’iu-yu, and I-Chü in the Chün-Chiu Period
The Approximate Age of WANG Fu and the Possible Date of His Work, the Chien-fu-lun
“Li” as Ideal Patterns of Culture in Chinese Tradition
A Study of “Khoja”─An Etymological and Semantic Analysis
APPENDIX: Essentials of the Fa-Chia Theories
APPENDIX: Confucianism and its Development in the Chao-kuo Period (I)
APPENDIX: The Excavations at An-yang and the Study of Ancient History of China