Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica
NT$ 850
Is a Total Retrograde Tone Shift Possible?
The Changes of *th>h/x and *tsh>th among Chinese Dialects
VOT and Beginning Tone Height in Chinese Aphasic Speech
Variable Finals in Proto-Sino-Tibetan
Linguistic Characteristics of the Tani (Mirish) Branch of Tibeto-Burman
Officials' Vacations during the Han
The So-called 'Common Property' under the Co-residence System of the Sung
Tung Ch'i-ch'ang's 'Wan-luan Thatched Hall' and the Innovation of His Painting Style
Origins of Specialized Nomadic Pastoralism in the Ordos and Neighboring Areas
Supplementary Notes to the Shih-chi: The Chin Family
On the Composition of Liu Pao-nan's Lun-yü cheng-i
A Revision to the Post Designation in the “Treatise on Geography” of the Ch’ing-shih kao
An Analysis of the Morality Book Chüeh-wu hsüan-hsin in Late Imperial Taiwan
Textual Research on the Silk Writing Entitled Diagram for Burying Afterbirths from Mawangdui
Marriages and Official Careers of the Ch’ien Family from Chekiang during the Northern Sung