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Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica
NT$ 180
Investigating and Analyzing the Craftsmanship in Producing Nephrite Adze-Chisels Unearthed in the Northern Section of the East Rift Valley: A Case Study on the Fengpingtsun Site
Su-chiu Kuo
“Decrees of the Former King”: A Re-interpretation and Discussion of the Qin Slips Collection in the Yuelu Academy
Wei Chen
Literacy and Education of the Beacon-Fire Station Commanders along the Han North-Western Frontiers: A Reconsideration on the Literacy of the Lower Strata of the Han Society
I-tien Hsing
Lin’an and the State Sacrificial Rituals of Southern Song China: An Analysis from the Perspective of Urban Spaces
Yi Zhu