Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica
NT$ 150
Textual Criticism of the Shih-chi: Introdutory Remarks
Textual Criticism of the Shih-chi: Chüan 1-5
Animal Sacrifices in the Oracle Bone Inscriptions
Analysis and Criticism of the “Chia-chieh”(假借) Theory in the Ku-shu Hsü-tzu Chi-shih(古書虛字集釋)
A Note on the Pamphlet “Mao-ta-chiang-chün [Mao Wen-lung] Hai-shang Ch’ing-hsing”
The Phonology of a Gyarong Dialect
Origins of the Great Learning as Seen from A Comparison of Its Contents with Some Ideas of Mencius
The Various Communication Lines Passing by Shang-ching(上津) in T’ang Time
Dating the Letters of T’an Ssu-t’ung in His Collected Works Edited by Ts’ai Shang-ssu
The Cutting of Government Postal Expenses under Late Ming and Early Ch’ing
The Rise of the Chou People and the Basis of the Chou Culture