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Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica
NT$ 180
Textual Research on the Silk Writing Entitled Diagram for Burying Afterbirths from Mawangdui
Some Characteristics of the Evolution of the Imperial Chinese Officialdom: A Case Study of the Development of the Chung-lang-chiang's Functions during the Han Dynasty
Marriages and Official Careers of the Ch’ien Family from Chekiang during the Northern Sung
The Ts’ui-feng Army in Kwangtung: A Case Study on the Transformation of Local Armies during the Southern Sung
What is an Ethnos? A Key Issue in Ethnographic and Historical Studies of Peoples in the Case of the Ch’iang
Sharing of Mother's Milk (Ikauipong do soso), Sharing of Fountain Head (Nisoswan): the Yami Social Organization Reconsidered