Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica
Formal and Semantic Discrepancies between Different Levels of Chinese Structure
Collation and Annotation of the Taoist Text Entitled 'Lao-chün Yin-sung Chieh-ching
The Origin of Seal and Ink-squeezing, and their Influence on the Invention of Printing
Some References to Iranian Temples in the Tun-huang Region
A Study of Ancient Passive Sentence Constructions
Prima Introduzione della Filosofia Scolastica in Cina
Documents Issuing from the Region of Tun-huang
On the Descendants of LI Ju-sung in Korea
Numerals Recording the Order of Divinations Inscribed on Oracular Plastrons
A Re-examination of the Classical Pronoun-forms 'ngo' and 'nga'
Notes on the Dialect of Li-chuang, Szechwan
The Restoration of Some Missing Texts in the
Sea Transportation during the Yüan and the Early Ming Dynasties
On the Date of the Compilation of
A Kottish-Tibetan-Chinese Word Equation
The Hsi-yu Tu-hu (西域都護) and the Wu-chi Chiao-wei (戊己校尉) of the Han Dynasty
The Final Revised Version of Chu Hsi's Commentaries on the Four Books