Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica
NT$ 100
Reexamination of the Relationship between the Yin and Chou Dynasties
CHANG Kwang-chih
Ch’in and Han Society as Revealed in the Bamboo and Wooden Slips
HSU Cho-yun
The Political Continuation and Power Transfer in the Five Dynasties
MAO Han-kuang
A Study of the Systems of Rotating Crops in Chinese History
CHEN Liang-tsuo
On the Origin of Liang’s Work Research Method for Chinese History
TU Wei-yün
Notes on Loyang Chia Lan Chi and Comments on Chou Tsu-mu’s Commentary
WANG Yi-tung
Further Discussion of the Term mi-li
The Phonological Rules of Atayal Dialects
Paul Jen-kuei Li