Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica
NT$ 700
On the Transformation of Emperors into Sages
The Personal Network of the Ko-lao Hui: A Study of the Case of Li Hung in 1891
The Tones of Southern Min Dialects in Hainan
Transitivity, Focus, Case and the Auxiliary Verb Systems in Yami
A Chronological Biography of the Ch'ing Confucian Ch'en Chan
A Discussion of the Concept of Illness in the T’ai-p’ing-ching
Supplementary Notes to the Shih-chi: The Kuan, Ts'ai, and Ts'ao Families
The World of the Almanacs (Jih-shu) of Shui-hu-ti
Locational Morphemes in Tangut
A Brief History of the Development of the Preposition yu in Ancient Chinese