Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica
NT$ 300
Back-formed Expressions in Chinese and English
Loyang-T’aiyuan(洛陽太原)Post Route in the T’ang Dynasty
Textual Criticism of Shih-chi: Chüan 40
APPENDIX: Pre-Han North-west China in Archaeology
APPENDIX: Establishment of Rural Village Life in North China and the Dawn of Chinese Civilization
APPENDIX: Pre-historic Cultures in South China
Textual Criticism of Shih-chi: Chüan 41
Textual Criticism of Shih-chi: Chüan 42
Ming-Ch’ing Archives and the Source Materials on the Founding Period of the Ch’ing Dynasty
APPENDIX:Recent Studies of the An-Yang Skulls (1966-1969)
APPENDIX: Agriculture and Climate in the Yin Dynasty
The Problem of the Uses of Copper Coins and Gold Pieces in Han Time
A Study of the Hakka Dialect of Mei-nung Taiwan
Elements in the Metrics of T’ang Poetry
A General Introduction to the Ancient Chinese Bronze I-Ch’i
Preface to “A Study of the Kuo-yü Chiu-yin”
The Religious Beliefs of the Hsuing-nu and Their Later Development
Preface to the Photostatic Edition of the Shih-k’u I-cheng
The Tibetan Causative: Phonology
Textual Criticism of Shih-chi: Chüan 64
APPENDIX: A General History of the Western Chou
Bibliography of Dr. WANG Shih-chieh