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Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica
NT$ 100
Derivation Time of Colloquial Min from Archaic Chinese
Concerning “Coincidence” and “Inevitablity” in History
On the Nature of the Rimes Chen臻 and Chieh櫛 and Its Implication for Reconstruction of Characters in the Second and Fourth Divisions of the Rime Tables
The Rise and Decline of Law-Learning in the Ch’in-Han Officialdom: An Explanation of the Emergence of the Erudite of Law 律博士 in the Early Third Century A.D.
The Li-chia System in Ming Times and Its Operation in Ying-t’ien Prefecture
An Analysis of Financial Experts in the T’ang Dynasty──in Relation to Class Consciousness and Financial Thought of the Gentry in the T’ang Dynasty