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Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica
NT$ 180
Vasari on “rilievo schiacciato”—Some Reflections in the Light of Donatello’s Reliefs
Yih-Fen Hua
The Causative Constructions in Middle Chinese
Pei-chuan Wei
A Discussion of Bathing and Washing Vessels and Related Issues Based on Bronze Inscriptions and Texts on Ch’u Bamboo Slips: Beginning with Inscriptions on Water Vessels from Ch’u Burials at Hsia-ssu, Hsi-ch’uan
Chao-jung Chen
Textual Research on Guodian 郭店 Bamboo-slip Manuscripts
Xinfang Liu
Professor Yu Ying-shih: A Bibliography
Professor Hsu Cho-yun: A Bibliography