Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica
NT$ 360
On the Dynasty Title of Nurhachi
Dating a Manchu Letter from Nurhachi Suing for Peace with Ming
On the Origin of the Dynasty Title
On the Reign Title “T’ien-ming” of Nurhachi
Respective Dates of Assuming Imperial Title by Nurhachi and Huang-t'ai-chi
Some Errors in the Ming Shih, III
The Wangs of Langya - A Case Study of Eminent Families in Medieval China
Oracle Bone Inscriptions in the Collection of Tung-yin-lu(冬飲廬)
Land-Toll Tax Reduction and Exemption during the Reigns of Shun-chih and K'ang-hsi
Problems of Author and Title of the Hou-hua-lu
APPENDIX: Human Cultures in China before the Loess Stage
Appendix: Communication and Transportation in the Ch’un-ch’iu Period