Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica
NT$ 850
Clarification of Some Textual Problems Appeared in Five Pre-Qin Works
The Social Networks of Semu Literati in the Late Yuan Period: Xie Boliaoxun as a Young Man
Population Growth, Deforestation and Fuel Substitution in Ming Beijing
Explanation of 吝, with a Discussion of the Characteristics of the Use of Graphs in the Chu Slips
Textual Research on Augural Records from Wangshan Chu Bamboo Slips Manuscripts
Reexamination of Chinese Sources on the Kesig or Imperial Guard of the Yüan Dynasty
British Medical Research on Leprosy in Late Nineteenth-Century China
Examining Wen Tingyun’s Birth Year on Evidence of Several Events
Problems in the Collating and Interpretation of Documents on Bamboo Strips from Guodian
Mortuary Pillars and the Cult of the Dead in T’ang-Sung China