YAO T'sung-wu, “Notes on the Battles of Tiao Yü Ch’eng (釣魚城) between the Sung and the Mongols: On the Identify of Madam Hsiung-erh (熊耳夫人) and Her Role as Mediator in the Capitalation of General Wang Li and the Immunity of the People of Hochow,” Bulletin of the Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica 29.2 (1958): 647-659.
T'sung-wu, YAO
1958 “Notes on the Battles of Tiao Yü Ch’eng (釣魚城) between the Sung and the Mongols: On the Identify of Madam Hsiung-erh (熊耳夫人) and Her Role as Mediator in the Capitalation of General Wang Li and the Immunity of the People of Hochow.” Bulletin of the Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica 29.2: 647-659.
T'sung-wu, YAO. (1958). Notes on the Battles of Tiao Yü Ch’eng (釣魚城) between the Sung and the Mongols: On the Identify of Madam Hsiung-erh (熊耳夫人) and Her Role as Mediator in the Capitalation of General Wang Li and the Immunity of the People of Hochow. Bulletin of the Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica, 29(2), 647-659.
T'sung-wu, YAO. “Notes on the Battles of Tiao Yü Ch’eng (釣魚城) between the Sung and the Mongols: On the Identify of Madam Hsiung-erh (熊耳夫人) and Her Role as Mediator in the Capitalation of General Wang Li and the Immunity of the People of Hochow.” Bulletin of the Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica 29, no. 2 (1958): 647-659.
T'sung-wu, YAO. “Notes on the Battles of Tiao Yü Ch’eng (釣魚城) between the Sung and the Mongols: On the Identify of Madam Hsiung-erh (熊耳夫人) and Her Role as Mediator in the Capitalation of General Wang Li and the Immunity of the People of Hochow.” Bulletin of the Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica, vol. 29, no. 2, 1958, pp. 647-659.