一九八七年張家界古人堤遺址出土的東漢殘簡牘,為深入理解武陵蠻問題提供了珍貴線索。特別是10號封檢,記有永元元年 (89) 武陵郡充縣的兵士統計,用以標識兵士類別的伏波、揚武、武威三將軍號,可以追溯到建武二十三至二十五年率軍討伐武陵蠻動亂的馬援、馬成、劉尚。永元年間,武陵郡仍存在以三將軍號命名的屯營,其主要任務當是控禦動亂頻發的武陵蠻。東漢時期的武陵蠻,大致可以區分為南、北兩部,有記載的動亂主要來自於北部即澧水、漊水流域。地處澧水上游的充縣,是武陵蠻動亂的核心地區。10號封檢出土於此地,提示我們重新審視武陵蠻的空間構成和官府控禦體系。武陵郡南、北兩部蠻人在種落上存在差異,《後漢書•南蠻傳》正文主要記述北部蠻人的動亂,序文卻抄敘與南部蠻人有關的槃瓠傳說,成為諸多研究歧義的源頭。這種歧義是由於漢、晉武陵郡政區地理的差異而導致的。隨著縣、鄉、里、亭體制向澧水、漊水流域的延伸和日常性運作,蠻人種落出現了分化。建初年間以後,蠻兵成為官府鎮壓武陵蠻動亂的重要兵力。
Fragmentary bamboo manuscripts from the Eastern Han dynasty unearthed in 1987 at the Gurendi (古人堤) site in Zhangjiajie, Hunan, have provided precious clues for understanding the Wuling barbarians (武陵蠻) more thoroughly. The No. 10 Fengjian (封檢), which records statistics about soldiers in Chong County (充縣), Wuling Prefecture (武陵郡), in the first year of the reign of the Yongyuan Emperor (永元) (89 AD), is particularly enlightening. This record allows us to determine that the three generals named Fubo (伏波), Yangwu (揚武), and Wuwei (武威) can be traced back to Ma Yuan (馬援), Ma Cheng (馬成), and Liu Shang (劉尚), respectively, who led troops in a campaign to quell an uprising launched by the Wuling barbarians between the 23rd and 25th years of the reign of the Jianwu Emperor (建武) (47-49 AD). During the reign of the Yongyuan Emperor (89-105 AD), military camps identified by the names of these three generals still existed, and their major mission was controlling the Wuling barbarians who frequently fomented turmoil.
The Wuling barbarians of the Eastern Han dynasty may be generally divided by region into northern and southern groups. The main area of turmoil recorded by writings was the North, that is, the basin of the Li (澧水) and Lou rivers (漊水). Chong County, located at the upper reaches of the Li River, was the core region for unrest instigated by the Wuling barbarians. The No. 10 Fengjian unearthed in this area prompted us to re-examine the particular geographic distribution of the barbarians and the government’s system of control and defense. There were some differences between the ethnic settlements of the southern and northern barbarians in Wuling Prefecture. The main text of a section about southern barbarians in the Hou Han Shu (後漢書) contains an account of the unrest related to the northern barbarians, but the preface transcribes a legend about Panhu (槃瓠) related to the southern barbarians. This has given rise to much disagreement in related scholarship, but the discrepancy may be attributed to the differences in district geography of Wuling Prefecture during Han and Jin dynasties.
With the expansion of the system of administrative divisions─xian (縣), xiang (鄉), li (里), and ting (亭)─into the Li and Lou river basins, the initial ethnic settlement pattern of the barbarians had been divided. After the reign of the Jianchu Emperor (建初) (76-84 AD), barbarian warriors played an important role in suppressing turmoil related to the Wuling barbarians.
武陵蠻 古人堤簡牘 充縣 澧水 東漢
Wuling barbarians, Gurendi bamboo manuscripts, Chong County, Li River, Eastern Han dynasty