原始印歐語的詞根詞幹的構成包含了複雜的具有不同功能性意義的形態學過程,以*-mo-s結尾的動作名詞必須嚴格地區別於*-mo-形容詞,也必須區別於*-mo-分詞(和其他*-n-, -r-, -l-, -u-, -d-, -t-類詞根分詞有著複雜的關係)
Besides Chinese, Tai, and American Indian languages, Li Fang-Kuei also
studied Indo-European languages and comparison, of which he had a surprisingly detailed knowledge; this note recalls numerous stimulating conversations ranging over all these topics. Problems of homophonous morphological segments apply to Indo-European comparison much as homophony figures in comparative Chinese and Tai lexicology.
The formation of thematic stems in PIE embraces a complex of morpho-
logical processes of different functional values. Nouns of action in *-mo-s
must be severely distinguished from *-mo- adjectives, from *-mo- participles (ultimately in complex relation with other thematic participles in *-n-, -r-, -l-, -u-, -d-, and *-t-).
I have earlier established a zero-grade feminization in *-ma to the action noun in *-mo-, but evidence is sparse. Here I explore possible Albanian evidence and the IE dialectology of attestation of this less obvious formation. We have here a fragmentary episode of comparative IE morphology.