

國權與民權:晚清的「國民」論述,1895~1911 State Sovereignty and Popular Sovereignty: The Discourse of “Guomin” During the Late Qing, 1895~1911

  • 作  者:

    沈松僑 Sung-chiao Shen

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晚清以來的「國民」一詞,大抵有兩個層面的指謂。就其實質層面而言,「國民」一語與英文中的 citizenship 頗為近似。它所展現的,乃是晚清以來中國知識份子在政治上的一種嶄新的意識覺醒。透過對「國民」的論述,他們開始強調個別個人在國家政治過程中的主體性,以及偕以俱至的各項權利、義務。二十世紀初期以來,中國知識界對傳統政治、社會與文化、思想的批判與反思,基本上便是循著「化臣民為國民」的思想理路而展開。

The term guomin is found in Chinese texts from an early period.  However, as commonly used today—as a modern political concept of special value and significance—guomin belongs to a political vocabulary adopted by Chinese intellectuals in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries from Japan’s new usages.  The goal of this essay is to explain how this important concept was formed and what it signified.
The term guomin has basically conveyed two levels of meaning since the late Qing.  In essence, the term is similar to the English word “citizenship,” and it reveals a kind of awakening of a new political consciousness on the part of Chinese intellectuals since the late Qing.  Through the discourse of guomin, they began to emphasize the subjectivity of each individual in the national political process, along with all of their rights and duties.  Since the beginning of the twentieth century, the criticisms and reflections of Chinese intellectuals about traditional politics, society and culture, and thought have basically developed along the lines of the logic of “turning subjects into citizens”.
However, the pursuit of a strong nation-state under the civil crisis of foreign pressure marked the historical conditions that generated the modern Chinese guomin discourse.  Limited by this kind of “national identity,” the discourse and construction of the guomin since the late Qing has never been able to escape the shadow of the state.  Under these ideological conditions, guomin could only become a means of nationalist project for survival.  It could never become an autonomous and universal category. Guomin, as it turns out, has been, and shall remain, “the people of the state”.


國民論述 晚清 國族主義 國權 民權

guomin discourse, late Qing, nationalism, state sovereignty, popular sovereignty




Sung-chiao Shen, “State Sovereignty and Popular Sovereignty: The Discourse of ‘Guomin’ During the Late Qing, 1895~1911,” Bulletin of the Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica 73.4 (2002): 685-734.

2002 〈國權與民權:晚清的「國民」論述,1895~1911〉,《中央研究院歷史語言研究所集刊》73.4:685-734。
Shen, Sung-chiao
2002 “State Sovereignty and Popular Sovereignty: The Discourse of ‘Guomin’ During the Late Qing, 1895~1911.” Bulletin of the Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica 73.4: 685-734.
沈松僑. (2002). 國權與民權:晚清的「國民」論述,1895~1911. 中央研究院歷史語言研究所集刊, 73(4), 685-734.

Shen, Sung-chiao. (2002). State Sovereignty and Popular Sovereignty: The Discourse of “Guomin” During the Late Qing, 1895~1911. Bulletin of the Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica, 73(4), 685-734.
沈松僑. “國權與民權:晚清的「國民」論述,1895~1911.” 中央研究院歷史語言研究所集刊 73, no. 4 (2002): 685-734.

Shen, Sung-chiao. “State Sovereignty and Popular Sovereignty: The Discourse of ‘Guomin’ During the Late Qing, 1895~1911.” Bulletin of the Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica 73, no. 4 (2002): 685-734.
沈松僑. “國權與民權:晚清的「國民」論述,1895~1911.” 中央研究院歷史語言研究所集刊, vol. 73, no. 4, 2002, pp. 685-734.

Shen, Sung-chiao. “State Sovereignty and Popular Sovereignty: The Discourse of ‘Guomin’ During the Late Qing, 1895~1911.” Bulletin of the Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica, vol. 73, no. 4, 2002, pp. 685-734.


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