全文考證《利瑪竇中國札記》Scielou 一人的身分。耶穌會士利瑪竇成名史冊,實拜明末士宦的提攜。其中的一位大官,帶利氏離開廣東北上。前人照《中國札記》的音譯,多猜此人為石星。本文引用了中、西史料考證,提出 Scielou 應是抗日援朝戰役中的兵部侍郎孫鑛,並敘述他的家世、和耶穌會士羅明堅於一五八六年的相遇,與日後提攜利瑪竇的因緣。
Based on a careful reading of Chinese records and Jesuit sources, this article identifies the person known as “Scielou” in D’Elia’s edition of the Fonti Ricciane as Sun Kuang and not Shi Xing (the person commonly assumed to be “Scielou”). As the Vice-Minister of War for China during the Japanese invasion of Korea, Sun Kuang was the most important of Matteo Ricci’s patrons and also provided for the Jesuit’s departure from Guangdong. This article reconstructs Sun Kuang’s lineage as well as his encounter with another Jesuit in 1586 (Michele Ruggieri), which ultimately led to his meeting with Ricci in 1595.
孫鑛 利瑪竇 朝鮮之役 孫鑨 羅明堅
Sun Kuang, Sun Long, Matteo Ricci, Michele Ruggieri, Japanese invasion of Korea in 1592