

清朝與喀爾喀蒙古的政教互動 (1723-1733) ——以二世哲布尊丹巴靈童選定及其遷居多倫諾爾為中心 The Political and Religious Interaction between the Qing Empire and Khalkha Mongolia, 1723–1733: The Selection of the Second Jebtsundamba and His Ordered Move to Dolon Nor

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    楊奇霖 Qi-lin Yang

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在清朝中前期與喀爾喀蒙古的關係演變中,二世哲布尊丹巴靈童(呼畢勒罕)選定一事具有重要影響。對此經過記述最詳者是佚名《哲布尊丹巴傳》(1859)。書中諸多細節與十九世紀以來出現的多種哲布尊丹巴傳記存在文本聯繫。一世哲布尊丹巴托夢雍正帝、西藏喇嘛認證呼畢勒罕等情節,最早見於納吉旺布所作藏文「聖傳」《善緣信者之車》(1839) 和《白蓮美鬘》(約1848-1851)中;而二世哲布尊丹巴的出生時間和地點、雍正帝的相關諭旨,則應參考了《溫都爾格根源流及彼時滿洲皇帝諭旨等重要事項彙寫冊》(1833)、《聖上源流》(1853) 等官方「史傳」。事實上,各類傳記所言喀爾喀各部的競爭、西藏喇嘛的認證、清朝皇帝的夢境、賞賜驛站等要素,還可從清代檔案中找到源頭。這些檔案反映出雍正時期清廷在喀爾喀內部紛爭中「終審者」的身分。雍正帝選定敦多布多爾濟之子作為轉世靈童,除尊重西藏意見、滿蒙聯姻等考量外,或與敦多布多爾濟既可牽制土謝圖汗勢力又能力平庸易於控制有關。雍正十年 (1732),為防範準噶爾搶奪二世哲布尊丹巴,雍正帝令其遷居多倫諾爾。趁「小喇嘛」年幼之機,「大皇帝」進一步將哲布尊丹巴的宗教權威納入清朝政治秩序中,成為清廷管理喀爾喀的權力資源。

Within the evolution of the relationship between the Qing Empire and Khalkha Mongolia, the choosing of the Second Jebtsundamba had a significant impact. The most detailed account of this event has been recorded in the biography Öndör gegen-ü namtar (1859), details of which share similarities with the biographies of several other Jebtsundambas since the mid-nineteenth century. For example, the dream of the Yongzheng Emperor in which he saw the First Jebtsundamba as well as the Tibetan lamas’ confirmation of the Khubilghan can be found in the Tibetan “sacred biographies” bzang dad pa’i shing rta (1839) and pad dkar phreng mdzes (c. 1848–1851) authored by ngag gi dbang po; moreover, for the birthdate and birthplace of the Second Jebtsundamba, one can refer to official biographies such as Öndür gegen-ü uγ eke (1833) and degereki-yin uγ eki orosibai (1853), as well as imperial decrees. But in fact, the elements that appear in the various biographies, including the rivalries between Khalkha nobles, the confirmation granted by the Tibetan lamas, the emperor’s dream, and the post conferred by the Qing court, have an earlier source—the Manchu archives. These archives notably reflect the fact that the Qing court played the role of ultimate arbitrator when Khalkha tribes were in conflict. The Yongzheng Emperor chose the son of Dondub Dorji as the Second Jebtsundamba based on several factors: first, they were relatives-in-law; second, Dondub Dorji could restrict the power of Tüsheet Khan; and third, Dondub Dorji was deemed middling in his abilities, and thus, to be easily controlled by the Qing court. In the tenth year of the reign of the Yongzheng Emperor (1732), to prevent the Dzungar Khanate from abducting the Second Jebtsundamba, the emperor ordered him to move to Dolon Nor. Due to the Jebtsundamba being quite young, the Qing court achieved control over him, thereby ruling Khalkha Mongolia by taking advantage of the religious authority wielded by the Jebtsundamba.


二世哲布尊丹巴 蒙古佛教 雍正帝 喀爾喀

the Second Jebtsundamba; Mongolian Buddhism; the Yongzheng Emperor; Khalkha Mongolia




楊奇霖,〈清朝與喀爾喀蒙古的政教互動 (1723-1733) ——以二世哲布尊丹巴靈童選定及其遷居多倫諾爾為中心〉,《中央研究院歷史語言研究所集刊》93.4(2022):879-926。
Qi-lin Yang, “The Political and Religious Interaction between the Qing Empire and Khalkha Mongolia, 1723–1733: The Selection of the Second Jebtsundamba and His Ordered Move to Dolon Nor,” Bulletin of the Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica 93.4 (2022): 879-926.

2022 〈清朝與喀爾喀蒙古的政教互動 (1723-1733) ——以二世哲布尊丹巴靈童選定及其遷居多倫諾爾為中心〉,《中央研究院歷史語言研究所集刊》93.4:879-926。
Yang, Qi-lin
2022 “The Political and Religious Interaction between the Qing Empire and Khalkha Mongolia, 1723–1733: The Selection of the Second Jebtsundamba and His Ordered Move to Dolon Nor.” Bulletin of the Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica 93.4: 879-926.
楊奇霖. (2022). 清朝與喀爾喀蒙古的政教互動 (1723-1733) ——以二世哲布尊丹巴靈童選定及其遷居多倫諾爾為中心. 中央研究院歷史語言研究所集刊, 93(4), 879-926.

Yang, Qi-lin. (2022). The Political and Religious Interaction between the Qing Empire and Khalkha Mongolia, 1723–1733: The Selection of the Second Jebtsundamba and His Ordered Move to Dolon Nor. Bulletin of the Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica, 93(4), 879-926.
楊奇霖. “清朝與喀爾喀蒙古的政教互動 (1723-1733) ——以二世哲布尊丹巴靈童選定及其遷居多倫諾爾為中心.” 中央研究院歷史語言研究所集刊 93, no. 4 (2022): 879-926.

Yang, Qi-lin. “The Political and Religious Interaction between the Qing Empire and Khalkha Mongolia, 1723–1733: The Selection of the Second Jebtsundamba and His Ordered Move to Dolon Nor.” Bulletin of the Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica 93, no. 4 (2022): 879-926.
楊奇霖. “清朝與喀爾喀蒙古的政教互動 (1723-1733) ——以二世哲布尊丹巴靈童選定及其遷居多倫諾爾為中心.” 中央研究院歷史語言研究所集刊, vol. 93, no. 4, 2022, pp. 879-926.

Yang, Qi-lin. “The Political and Religious Interaction between the Qing Empire and Khalkha Mongolia, 1723–1733: The Selection of the Second Jebtsundamba and His Ordered Move to Dolon Nor.” Bulletin of the Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica, vol. 93, no. 4, 2022, pp. 879-926.


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