

六朝後期江南義疏體《易》學譾論——以日藏漢籍舊鈔本《講周易疏論家義記》殘卷為中心 A Discussion of Yishu Style Yi Studies Prevailing in the Lower Yangtze Regions during the Late Six Dynasties Period: Focusing on the Jiang Zhouyi Shulunjia Yiji Old Manuscript Preserved in Japan’s Kōfukuji Temple

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    童嶺 Ling Tong

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張之洞《輶軒語‧論讀書宜求善本》云善本之義有三,舊鈔本居其一。故而相對於以往以刻本為主要對象的六朝文史研究,本文希望通過對《講周易疏論家義記》舊鈔本的綜合探討,從義疏體之分類、《經典釋文》「異本說」之出處等多方面,重新估量六朝後期江南地區的義疏體《易》學的價值及其在魏晉與隋唐經學史之間的地位。並且在此基礎上,針對湯用彤著名譬喻「奥卡姆的剃刀」(Occam’s razor),筆者則提出了唐人《五經正義》成立前,江南學界可能存在一個「後剃刀時代」的學術猜想。文章最後部分,擬從此殘卷中初步輯出十二家先唐《易》遺說若干,以備稽古者查考。

The development and transformation of lower Yangtze region academic thought during the late Six Dynasties period (for example, the formation and evolution of the yishu style, sutras’ incorporation into and influence on Confucian classics, etc.) holds a significant place in the academic history of the Han to Tang dynasties. However, due to a lack of materials directly related to this subject, scholars from the Qing dynasty onward have been unable to undertake a thorough research of the topic and have thus failed to approach its key problems.
In his work Shiqishi shangque, Wang Mingsheng (1722-1797) claimed that Japan respected Chinese classics more than other countries. This statement is persuasive to a certain degree, and the Six Dynasties and Sui-Tang period old manuscripts of Chinese classics preserved in Japan are certainly valuable cultural relics. Among these old manuscripts, Jiang Zhouyi shulunjia yiji has become the most influential. Preserved in Nara’s Kōfukuji Temple, it has attracted the attention of various Chinese and Japanese scholars from the time of its discovery onward. Nevertheless, there still remain many unresolved questions related to this manuscript. 
As Zhang Zhidong (1837-1909) stated in his work Youxuan yu, there are three kinds of “reliable books” (shanben). One of these kinds is the old manuscript. Therefore, in contrast with previous print-version-based studies of Six Dynasties period history and literature, the main concern of this paper is, instead, an overall research of the Jiang Zhouyi shulunjia yiji (an old manuscript). Through research on this work, the author of this paper intends to analyze the classification of yishu style during the Six Dynasties period, the relationship between Jiang Zhouyi shulunjia yiji and the “theory of varied texts” proposed in Jingdian shiwen, and the like, in order to reassess the history of the academic thought circulating in the lower Yangtze regions during the late Six Dynasties period. Furthermore, on the basis of these discussions and with Tang Yongtong’s (1893-1964) famous application of “Occam’s razor” in mind, this article’s author will also propose the hypothesis that a “post-razor era” existed within lower Yangtze academic circles before the Wujing zhengyi was established. In the last part of the paper, the Zhouyi commentaries of twelve pre-Tang scholars are extracted from Jiang Zhouyi shulunjia yiji and compiled for later reference.


講周易疏論家義記 義疏 異本說 後剃刀時代 舊鈔本

Jiang Zhouyi shulunjia yiji, yishu style, theory of varied texts, post-razor era, old manuscripts of Chinese classics




Ling Tong, “A Discussion of Yishu Style Yi Studies Prevailing in the Lower Yangtze Regions during the Late Six Dynasties Period: Focusing on the Jiang Zhouyi Shulunjia Yiji Old Manuscript Preserved in Japan’s Kōfukuji Temple,” Bulletin of the Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica 81.8 (2010): 411-465.

2010 〈六朝後期江南義疏體《易》學譾論——以日藏漢籍舊鈔本《講周易疏論家義記》殘卷為中心〉,《中央研究院歷史語言研究所集刊》81.8:411-465。
Tong, Ling
2010 “A Discussion of Yishu Style Yi Studies Prevailing in the Lower Yangtze Regions during the Late Six Dynasties Period: Focusing on the Jiang Zhouyi Shulunjia Yiji Old Manuscript Preserved in Japan’s Kōfukuji Temple.” Bulletin of the Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica 81.8: 411-465.
童嶺. (2010). 六朝後期江南義疏體《易》學譾論——以日藏漢籍舊鈔本《講周易疏論家義記》殘卷為中心. 中央研究院歷史語言研究所集刊, 81(8), 411-465.

Tong, Ling. (2010). A Discussion of Yishu Style Yi Studies Prevailing in the Lower Yangtze Regions during the Late Six Dynasties Period: Focusing on the Jiang Zhouyi Shulunjia Yiji Old Manuscript Preserved in Japan’s Kōfukuji Temple. Bulletin of the Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica, 81(8), 411-465.
童嶺. “六朝後期江南義疏體《易》學譾論——以日藏漢籍舊鈔本《講周易疏論家義記》殘卷為中心.” 中央研究院歷史語言研究所集刊 81, no. 8 (2010): 411-465.

Tong, Ling. “A Discussion of Yishu Style Yi Studies Prevailing in the Lower Yangtze Regions during the Late Six Dynasties Period: Focusing on the Jiang Zhouyi Shulunjia Yiji Old Manuscript Preserved in Japan’s Kōfukuji Temple.” Bulletin of the Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica 81, no. 8 (2010): 411-465.
童嶺. “六朝後期江南義疏體《易》學譾論——以日藏漢籍舊鈔本《講周易疏論家義記》殘卷為中心.” 中央研究院歷史語言研究所集刊, vol. 81, no. 8, 2010, pp. 411-465.

Tong, Ling. “A Discussion of Yishu Style Yi Studies Prevailing in the Lower Yangtze Regions during the Late Six Dynasties Period: Focusing on the Jiang Zhouyi Shulunjia Yiji Old Manuscript Preserved in Japan’s Kōfukuji Temple.” Bulletin of the Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica, vol. 81, no. 8, 2010, pp. 411-465.


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