The usage of classifiers exist in all dialect areas in contemporary Chinese, but its usages as a demonstrative pronoun and constructional particle equivalent to “de(的)1, de2 and de3” exist mostly in the southern Chinese dialects and a few Guanhua in adjacent areas. The demonstrative pronoun “ge(箇)1” is complicated both in its order and kind. In the Huangxiao cluster of Jianghuai Guanhua, it serves as a definite demonstrative pronoun with no distinction of distances, but in a few places in the Gan dialect, Xiang dialect and Hui dialect, it has mainly evolved into a demonstrative pronoun to signify near things. It is used as a demonstrative pronoun to denote distant things in a few places which use the Yue dialect and Min dialect. It serves as a demonstrative for both near and distant things in the Kejia dialect and the Gan dialect in adjacent areas and is mainly a demonstrative pronoun for near things in the Wu dialect cluster, but all other kinds of demonstrative pronouns exist in certain aspects. The evolution of “ge1” from a definite demonstrative pronoun into other kinds of demonstrative pronouns is found basically in southern parts of China in the pattern of “mostly regular and seldom irregular.” In the Wu dialect cluster, it exhibits a co-existence of the definite pronoun with a neutral demonstrative, near demonstrative, and distant demonstrative. In all the dialects where “ge1” exists and in Pinghua, there exists the constructional particle “ge3” equivalent to “de3” in mandarin. In a few places which use the Gan dialect, Xiang dialect, Wu dialect, and Kejia dialect where “ge1” is used as a demonstrative pronoun for near things, there exists the constructional particle “ge2,” which is equivalent to “de1” and “de2” in mandarin. The different distribution of “words of the ‘ge’ type” in the southern dialects reflects synchronologically the grammaticalization process of “ge,” from a classifier into a demonstrative pronoun, and from a classifier and a demonstrative pronoun into a constructional particle. The Jianghuai Guanhua in eastern Hubei and in the Gan dialect both reflect this process: the single usage of the classifier “ge” leads to the appearance of the demonstrative pronoun “ge1” and the constructional particle “ge3”; the weakening of the re-referring function of the demonstrative pronoun “ge1” after mode adverbial leads to the appearance of the constructional particle “ge2.” The grammaticalization of “ge” in sound is mainly reflected in the change of tone and vowel. Some “‘ge’ type words” leave only traces in some places, which serves as evidence of their gradual extinction under the influence of dominative dialects. The constructional particle “ge4,” which is between predicate and supplementary, is also formed by the single usage. “Ge4” widely exists in the Guanhua and Jin dialect, but “ge1,” “ge2,” and “ge3” are rarely found. Hence, the regional distribution of “ge1,” “ge2,” and “ge3” and that of “ge4” are contradictory.
箇 量詞 指代詞 結構助詞 語法化
ge(箇), classifier, demonstrative pronoun, constructional particle, grammaticalization