元末熊夢祥所著《析津志‧原廟‧行香》篇中有「唐妃娘娘阿吉剌」云云。唐妃娘娘就是成吉思汗第四子拖雷之妻 Sorqaγtani Beki,對譯或作「唆魯古唐妃」。「唆魯古唐」音譯 Sorqaγtani,「妃」意譯 Beki。「唆魯古唐」簡化為「唐」。「唐妃」這個譯名既保留了全名的一個原音 (-tan-),又表示了該人的身分(妃),更合乎漢人的稱謂習俗,一舉數得,是神來之譯。至於「阿吉剌」,則可能為波斯語 ‘aqīlat 的對譯,意為聰明能幹、出類拔萃,推測是大元帝國或伊利汗國治下口操波斯語的回回人或波斯人給予 Sorqaγtani Beki 的美稱,是個描述語。
This paper traces the process by which the name of the Mongol Princess Sorqaγtani Beki, wife of Činggis Qan’s fourth son Tolui, was translated into Chinese as Tang-fei (唐妃). It also asserts that the three characters A-ji-la (阿吉剌) are a transcription of the Persian word ‘aqīlat (smart, capable, and exceptionally talented), which was used as an appellation in praise for the woman in question. The date of this noble lady’s death is also discussed.
唐妃, 阿吉剌, 漢譯人名, Sorqaγtani Beki, ‘aqīlat
ang-fei, A-ji-la, Chinese translations of foreign personal names, Sorqaγtani Beki, ‘aqīlat